Monday 9 May 2011

SEKBA - Chinese influence in my family (2)

After I graduated from university,  I got a Job in a company that had expanded it’s  production to a factory that was in the middle of nowhere in Sumatra. I can still remember the name of the place, it is Pulau Sambu (Sambu Island), the factory produced anything with coconut, which included coconut milk, dried coconut and coconut oil. I still remember the interview,  it was a mass interview, it was held in the Santika Hotel in Jogjakarta. Indonesia was experiencing an economic crisis at that time and I was desperate for any job. I was elated when I got the job even if it was in the middle of nowhere and I had to use a boat to get there.

When I told my parents about the job, they both said they don’t want me to take it because of the safety issues with having to travel so far. They suggested that i moved to Bogor to stay with my sister Lisa and her Husband Leo and look for work there instead. Yup I got a job straight away (Thanks to Leo’s fake signature)

Leo’s  parents live in the Suryakencana area of Bogor.  His Family originated from china. During the time  I lived with leo and Lisa, Leo’s Dad was still alive.

The difference between Leo’s family and my family is that my Mom is the best cook but in his family his Dad is the best cook. I still remember the favourite dish that Leo’s Dad cooked and he sent it  for Leo and Lisa .. and meeee Its a dish called Sekbak

 I know I am not as great as Leo’s dad when I cook Sekbak.. but I think the taste is still excellent.



·         250 g pork (leg)

·         250 g pickled vegetables

·         ½ litre clear stock (pork or chicken)

·         100 g Tofu cut into 2 cm square and fry

·         3 medium sized potatoes cut into 4 cm pieces

·         5 garlic cloves

·         5 shallots

·         3 star anise

·         ½ tsp ground nutmeg

·         ½ tsp white pepper

·         ½ tsp salt

·         ½ tsp sugar

·         1 tsp rice vinegar

·         ½ tbsp sweet soy sauce

·         ½ tbsp dark soy sauce

·         1 tbsp vegetable oil

1. Boil  the pork for half hour, remove the pork and keep the stock. Cut pork into 3 cm pieces and fry until golden brown

2. fry garlic and shallots until fragrant, add pork and stock

3. Add fried tofu, potatoes and pickled vegetables.

4 Add white pepper, ground nutmeg and star anise, soy sauce and rice vinegar.

5. Simmer for 40 mins on medium heat.

Serve with plain noodles or steamed rice...

LOVELY JUBBLY....... move to


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